Optical fibres and gases: some new tools for photonics

Prof Fan Yang, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany

Leuchs-Russell Auditorium, A.1.500, Staudtstr. 2

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Gas-filled hollow-core fibres have been used for many important applications such as Raman scattering, soliton pulse compression and deep-ultraviolet light generation. In this talk, I will present three different applications based on optical fibres and gases. First, I will report a strong Brillouin amplification in gas-filled hollow-core fibres at high pressure, exceeding by 6 times the gain observed in standard fibres [1]. Using this implementation, I will discuss a novel gas Brillouin laser and a high-performance distributed temperature sensor. Second, I will present an efficient Brillouin scattering generated by an evanescent field nearby a nanofibre waveguide embedded in a pressurized gas cell [2]. The gain is 11 times larger than the highest Brillouin gain obtained in a gas-filled hollow-core fibre. Potential applications using this platform will also be discussed. Third, I will present a new temperature sensing concept and its application for a fast, sensitive and distributed temperature alarm, based on thermodynamic phase transitions in gas-filled hollow-core fibres [3].   

[1] F. Yang, et al., “Intense Brillouin amplification in gas using hollow-core waveguides” Nature Photonics 14, 700-708 (2020).
[2] F. Yang, et al., “Large evanescently-induced Brillouin scattering at the surrounding of a nanofibre” Nature Communications 13: 1432 (2022).
[3] L. Zhang, et al., “Distributed fiber temperature alarm system based on thermodynamic phase transition” the 27th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, paper T2B.3 (2020).

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